KWAJALEIN ISLAND: How My Family Came to Live There and How the Big Bombs Came to Blow
The last surviving member of her family, Jean Barrett Holloway has fulfilled in this book a lifelong dream of publishing a memoir/history of Holloway Kwajalein adventures. Jean grew up in a military family, child of a Navy surgeon who served in three wars, and a bacteriologist who later turned storyteller. In 1955, when Jean and her brother were 8 and 10 years old, their family was ordered to move for one year to a tiny island called Kwajalein in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This experience was on one of the Marshall Islands of Micronesia, one of the most remote areas on earth, yet a place where a major battle was fought in World War II, and a place where the family was eyewitness to a test explosion of the hydrogen bomb.
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